Yesterday was my first day off for Easter break, and as so, it was my goal to do absolutely nothing. It was probably one of the best days in a classes to run to, no papers due, no tests...just a day to let my mind unwind and do...nothing. Well not totally nothing, I couldn't just sit and stare at the white walls of my living room. To fill the void, I watched entirely too many episodes of 30 Rock. If ya'll have not seen this show, or have only seen a couple episodes, you really need to commit because this show is as brilliant as the hype claims. Sure the hype only comes from the Emmy committee and not from actual viewers, but it should! I laugh out loud at this show every time I watch it. I'm sure my roommates think I'm just a little more insane every time they hear me cackle from the attic, but it's not my fault that Liz Lemon gets out jury duty like this or partied sooo hard in Frankfurt.
Last summer I was sitting around a table with some friends (drinking of course) and the question "If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?", came up. I struggled then to think of anything, and eventually settled on a typical celebrity like Princess Diana or Jesus or something, but thinking now it would HAVE to be Tina Fey. Girl is unbelievable. It's always been my secret dream to write comedy and Tina is the queen B of comedy. She would definitely have to be at my dinner table. But I think I maybe watched too many episodes yesterday because I actually had a dream about Tina Fey last night...and she totally beat me up. Literally just sucker punched me in the face! I'm trying to figure out the meaning of this, perhaps that Tina simply does not want to be my friend...HA that can't be the reason. Maybe it means that were such good BFFs that we can get in a fight and totally still be BFFs. Yup, that's what it means. We are BFFs.
I'm headed home today for Easter, and can't wait to get some good home-cookin' and to see my doggies! Catch ya later guys!
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