Friday, May 13, 2011

Savannah: Washington D.C. Pet Photographer

Meet Savannah! This little cat is too funny. Her owners are actually client's of mine whose wedding is in September at the beautiful Old Naval Hospital in D.C. I am SO excited for that wedding! The building is being renovated so it will be gorgeous, and I couldn't get along with couple anymore, seriously we are kindred spirits or something. Speaking of kindred spirits, let's get back to my new bff Savannah. She's getting a little older, not that you would ever be able to tell from how cute and VERY active she is, and her owners just wanted some good shots of her. A little about Savannah, her life revolves around a couple things. One-eating grass. It is awesome. Two-cat nip is more awesome. Three-laying on the floor after eating grass and getting sky high on cat nip is the awesome-est. Ahh...what a life.


  1. OMGosh... Savannah is so cute! Great images. I love these.

  2. Savannah looks gorgeous, and so very content! These are great shots, Porter.

  3. AWW! She's sooo cute! Every cat deserves professional photos taken of them - I bet she loves these ;)

  4. I'm totally a cat person and really love these shots!

  5. I love the shot of just the tail!!!

  6. Awww, I miss having a kitty! <3
