Friday, May 6, 2011

Ben+Kalena: Maryland Wedding

Ben and Kalena got married a couple weeks ago in a beautiful little church in Maryland, just over the D.C. border. This was my first experience second shooting, and it-was-a-BLAST! The primary shooter, Brian Offidani is fantastic, he and I hit it off immediately. He's super mellow and he really helped me relax and let me shoot to my little hearts desire. While Brian was with the girls for their "getting ready" portion, I was with the boys...and my God these guys made my job difficult. I could not stop laughing while I was Ben's hotel room, it's a damn miracle all my photos don't have camera shake! One by one his groomsmen filtered in and the energy was infectious. Also thank goodness Kalena's brothers rode with me to the church because I totally went right on by the turn to get there. Kalena give them a high five or something for me!

You'll see that there's a lot of pictures of the kids...and that's simply because they were stinkin' adorable!!! While Brian was working on portraits with the wedding party, the little kids and I had a ten minute conversation about what our favorite foods are. The consensus seemed to be on mac and cheese with any variety of bugs, plus candy, topped with luncheon meats. I mean, who doesn't love mac and cheese with worms??

Kalena, as you all can easily see, is beyond gorgeous, and she's sweet as can be. I learned very quickly just how tight the bond is with her and two youngest brothers, and you can tell how much they adore her. Likewise, Ben is one of the most solid men I've ever met, and these two make for a beautiful couple. Congrats again you guys!


  1. You've captured so many sweet moments, especially the littlies. Such an adorable aspect.

  2. Wow! I love these pictures - we are truly impressed. Thanks for capturing these moments in such a stunning way!
    mama of the two little redheads

  3. Great first shot and all the candids of the guys getting ready. Well done.

  4. Beautiful!! My fav is the last one- first dances are the best.

  5. My favorite photo is the one with the child and umbrella. Priceless.

  6. You did a nice job isolating people and moments out of a surely hectic day. Nice work.

  7. Love the emotions you captured here. Well done!

  8. the opening frame is so amazinG!

  9. Lovely wedding! That first shot is pure gold!

  10. Impressive photos. Thank you for enabling me to see what I missed... you captured such amazing moments!

    - The Bride :)

  11. Wow! There are some stunning images in there. Super!

  12. These are so beautiful. Your first frame is gorgeous as are the silhouettes.

  13. Love this wedding. The shots of the boys with the umbrellas are too cute. Well done and congratulations to the happy couple.
