Sunday, March 27, 2011

I'm So Super Busy

As you may or may not have noticed (assuming you have read any of my previous posts, not judging if you haven't....yes i am) I have changed the style of my blog. While the flowers were pretty, they don't represent my style at all. I like a very clean, editorial look. Flowers don't really scream editorial, they sort of scream cliche patterns that new photographers like to use...that and grandma.  I'm pretty proud of myself for designing my "logo". It's not much, but I really like it. I also ordered new business cards in the same font and color as my logo from I can't wait to get them!

Which brings me to my next point. I'll be handing those fabulous new business cards (photos of the cards to come) at MY FIRST OFFICIAL WEDDING!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhh. It's in just two weeks, but I'm not really nervous, just really excited to get started in this business. The way I see it, it's just combining photojournalism, which I've done for about a year now, with portraiture. I'm very comfortable in both arenas and really need to start building my portfolio. Actually, April is going to be straight B-A-N-A-N-A-S (a la Gwen Stefani). I'm lined up for three portrait sessions and two weddings. Did I mention I'm a graduating senior? Yikes.

All the business is why I decided to pick up a spankin' new D7000. The color rendering is OUTSTANDING (slightly yellowed and desaturated through Blogger) on this thing. And I won't even get into the ISO performance. Ok I will, it's un-freakin-real. Here's a shot from the GU women's lacross game the other night. This is unedited.

I mentioned in my last post that I was going to NYC. I'm currently taking a class called "New York Stories", and we basically took a glorified field trip to Chinatown and got to run around for a couple hours. Technically there was a tour where I "learned things", but the running around is really the important part. I brought the D7000 with me and had some fun clicking away. Here's a couple shots!

Look how little it is!!!!


  1. (I may have just discovered that you have a blog). YOU GOT A D7000?! It sounds wonderful. Is it wonderful? I'm sure it is. I have a sneaking suspicion that my parents might upgrade my camera for me for graduation (had my D80 since high school...) and that D7000 is at the top of my list (above the D300s which was what I was wanting for awhile)!
    Anyway, that lacrosse shot looks great...have you splurged on a 70-200 yet?

  2. ahhhh graduation!!! crazy isnt it?!? i was just counting on my calendar how many more mondays i have to sit through, its 6 by the way, and I cannot wait to be done. but yea i just started the blog a couple weeks ago and i find myself getting addicted already. ive been following you for a while and i am BEYOND jealous of that homemade tilt shift. that things is seriously awesome, it so cool that you made it! I'm a total dunce with stuff like that, so im gonna try my hand at freelensing before i go anywhere near a TS. and oh my god those pictures of st thomas are unreal! im jealous again. but yes i got myself a d7000 and it is beyond wonderful! it mops the floor with the 300s as far as im concerned. the iso makes my d90 feel like a toy. i havent yet gotten the 70-200, if got that 80-200 af-d it's a really really great lens (and like half the price lol) so im probably going to stick with it until it either dies on me or i have the patience to save up for the VR2 (which i probably never will). i had to pick up a second body for weddings. which if youre ever in DC or want to second shoot id be happy to have you!

  3. ahhh! well i am so happy to hear about how awesome the d7000 is especially after i wanted the d300s for so long...and awesome about the 80-200! i've heard that lens is almost a good and is so much cheaper. i don't ever do anything where i get paid for photography but if i ever do i will definitely have to pick one up. i assume that's the lens you used for that lacrosse shot which is why i asked about the 70-200!
